Age correction for two Ukrainian skiers

Official classic waterskiers Ranking lists
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Joined: 23 May 2018, 18:49

Age correction for two Ukrainian skiers

Post by SergeySimonov »


Could you please correct the year of birth for the two following Ukrainian skiers:

1. The skier with ID UKR622020910, Barvinskyi Oleksandr. Current year of birth in the RL: 1993. Please change to 1983.

2. The skier with ID UKR452022985, Popova Mariya. Current year of birth in the RL: 2008. Please change to 2010.

Thank you!
Sergey Simonov (Scorer)
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Posts: 256
Joined: 26 Jun 2010, 14:07

Re: Age correction for two Ukrainian skiers

Post by admin »

Done in database.

RL Admin
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