International Waterski and Wakeboard Federation

Competitions results and ranking lists World Junior Championships 2010

San Gervasio


  Time table & start lists
  List of participants


  Live results

  Under 17 Girls Slalom
  Under 17 Girls Tricks
  Under 17 Girls Jump
  Under 17 Girls Overall

  Under 17 Boys Slalom
  Under 17 Boys Tricks
  Under 17 Boys Jump
  Under 17 Boys Overall

  Overall Team classification
World Junior Championships 2010
San Gervasio - 5/8 Aug 2010 2010

World Junior Championships 2010 - Starting List - Under 17 Girls Serie 3 Slalom Preliminary Round

World Junior Championships 2010

Under 17 Girls Serie 3 Slalom Preliminary Round Starting list perjantai - Following

Homologation: World record - 5.8.2010 - 8.8.2010
      Name Country Categ.   Score
52 1 NOR Granhus Thea Caroline NOR -17 F    
  2 BLR Kisialiova Katsiaryna BLR -17 F    
  3 COL Palacios Ana COL -17 F    
  4 PER Cuglievan Ivanna PER -17 F    
  5 DEN Bondo Frederikke DEN -17 F    
  6 GBR Williams Lauren GBR -17 F    
  7 MEX Trejo Romero Fernanda MEX -17 F    
  8 GRE Daniil Ioli GRE -17 F    
  9 CAN Grenier Valerie CAN -17 F    
  10 NZL O'Connell Georgia NZL -17 F IWWF - International Waterski and Wakeboard Federation - Hanworth Lane, Chertsey, Surrey, England copyright © IWWF - all rights reserved